When everything on your site expires, its time to update it. Here’s what’s new in the Garyverse:
- The fall semester didn’t quite meet my expectations, but it didn’t go horrible either. My worst grade was an A-, and there is really no reason why I couldn’t have gotten a 4.0 if I had just applied myself a bit more.
- Spring semester has now started. My courses are:
- Honors Chem II
- Petrology (that’s the study of rocks btw)
- Vertibrate Paelontology
- Geochemistry
- Electron Microprobe Theory and Practice (similar to an electron microscope but with x-ray spectrography)
- Field Geology Workshop
From the looks of it, all but two classes should be easy. The other two will require some work.
- The trip is still on. Its just a matter of timing it with finishing up my stint at the U.
- I’m no longer coaching at Apple Valley. The new NFL rules on double entry really have taken the wind out of activity. I’m now focusing on school.
- During break I played a LOT of World of Warcraft. Its actually one of the best games I’ve ever played and much much better than EQ or other MMP games that have come before it. Its not perfect, but better in so many ways.
3 replies on “its that time”
I have a bootleg post of Gary’s about Geophysics that is just transcendental.
You should start a b-sides blog of all those posts you keep talking about but never posting.
I need to start making posts about not making posts about not making posts.