Day 2
Our first full day at Disney World was at Epcot. (Trivia: EPCOT = Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow).
Epcot is my favorite park at Disney World. Its the one which is least designed for kids. They haven’t changed a ton since I was last here. They put a big stupid tower with a sign near the Spaceship Earth ball (why?) and added a few attractions, but that’s it.
Traveling with seven people can be hard, especially when the age range is so huge. My niece and nephew probably weren’t interested in any of the science or international stuff. I, however, love it.
We did the new Mission Space ride, which is supposed to simulate what its like to be launched from a rocket. They did too good of a job. The ride takes place inside of a centrifuge. From what I’ve heard, they had to tone it down by 30%, but even that was still too much. All of the adults in our group got sick on it, me included.
After that, my brother’s family and my dad went back to the hotel while me and my mom stayed in the park. Most of the really neat stuff we saw after they left. The chineese acrobats, the french mime/acrobats, and most of the neat International Showcase productions.
We had dinner in the France pavillion which was far better than I expected. We’re on this meal plan where you pre pay for meals, so I expected to get hit for the cost of 2 meals, but it was only 1. Not only was it good, but the price turned out to be very reasonable considering what the pre-pay was.
The laser/fireworks show they have at night is probably the most impressive I’ve ever seen.
I tried to go the entire stay without buying anythin with mickey mouse on it, but I had to buy a hat because I forgot mine at home (bald+sun = no good). I managed to get one with the smallest logo possible.
Tomorrow is Animal Kingdom.
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2 replies on “Monorail, monorail, monorail… (or How I stopped worrying and learned to love the mouse)”
Flickr badge? What Flickr badge?
It’s on the front page, on the right. It’s not visable on the actual post page.