As you can see, I’ve changed the site.
Visually, I just moved to a new, cleaner theme and removed a bunch of the junk links I had up. I’ve increased the version number to 4.5.
On the back end, I did a bunch of stuff:
- Upgraded to WordPress 1.5.2
- Incorporated the Akismet Spam filter. I didn’t get much comment spam to begin with, and this should eliminate what little would sneak through.
- Installed a lighter version of the main admin page. The old one would grab stuff from the WordPress site and would take forever to load.
- Installed a plug-in on the admin side that will let me insert Flickr images easily to posts.
The header photo up top is the generic one that came with this theme, so I’m going to replace it with photos I’ve taken.
Most of the pulg-ins and themes I got I discoverd by just typing “wordpress” into the search field at I really need to spend more time figuring out how stylesheets and css works. I know enough to be dangerous, but not enough to be productive.
Also, as I was going through my comments trying to clear out the spam that was there, I ran across a comment I haven’t seen from March from Robin Alciatore. She is a pianist whose music I’ve downloaded from the old It was neat to see she actually read my post and left a comment. She’s probably has done as good a job as any classical musician in promoting herself online. I see she has her music for sale on iTunes, so I’ll have to throw her a few bucks.
3 replies on “Blog Gratia Blogis”
Lookin’ good, if a bit sparse.
Nice Makeover. I’ll miss the bag salad from your previous header, but I’ll deal.
nice theme! (needs custom gary header pics!)