
Its about that time

I suppose an update is in order:

  • Props to Scott Kurtz for making the Top 100 bestseller list for his latest trade paperback. Scott, no matter what you achieve in life………………I still wont be impressed.
  • I finished my second Astronomy midterm. I did better than last time, but not as good as I could have. Dumb mistakes. Most of my reading consisted of keeping the textbook in the bathroom. Its actually not a bad way to study, but more indepth time is needed studying. Because the tests are only a fraction of the total grade, I think i’m doing fine… far.
  • The second midterm for my Sequences and Series class is a week from today. I feel pretty confident about it, but those are famous last words. I need to crush on it so I can solidify my A and not have to worry about A- stuff.
  • The NFL District Tournament is in 27 days, and the state tournament is in 20 days. There is a great deal of overall improvement in the team, but there are still lots of little things to work on. Tim Hogan needs to quit screwing around and actually get working giving speeches. This year is harder than last year, and repeating is harder than winning. Hopefully making this public will serve as some sort of incentive.
  • On a related note, we watched an old national final round last night, and the quality of the final rounds we’ve had all year in MN are better than what I saw on the tape. The state could easily produce 3 finalists this year in extemp. If it wasn’t for the no double entry rule, it could be more.
  • I’ve got to register for class for the summer session soon. There aren’t many classes offered, but I think I might take 3 courses if the schedule allows it. Physics I, Chemestry I, and differential equations. I’ve had diffeq before, but I think taking it again would be a good idea. My first stab at it and real analysis wasn’t something to be proud of. I’d take a geology course, but they don’t offer a real one.
  • More of calculus is coming back to me. Its mostly a matter of exposure. When you are forced to use it, it can come back pretty quick. Trying to remember it without context is pretty hard.
  • The april fools joke at is pretty good. It had me for about 1 second….which is sort of how most april fools jokes on the web work.

By Gary

3 dimples. 7 continents. 130 countries.