
Even The Non-Customer is Always Right

Last night I wrote a post on and I had put in the line feedburner sucks BTW.

This morning I woke up and had an email from Don Loeb, VP of Business Development for Feedburner asking what problems I had with Feedburner.

I wrote out a pretty lengthy reply and was about to send it when I realized that I was wrong in complaining about Feedburner. My complaint was with Feeddigest, the site who lets you put HTML versions of RSS feeds on your website. Feedburner is totally different. I made the correction in the post. (Feeddigest sucks BTW).

Anyway, I was pretty impressed with the fact that he was 1) searching blogs for mentions of Feedburner, 2) Bothered to write me and ask me why I was upset, and 3) did it late on a Saturday night.

I’m not even a Feedburner user, but I was pretty damn impressed with how they handled things. It’s a simple thing, but the small stuff matters. I’m probably going to be more apt to check them out when I start my trip website.

By Gary

3 dimples. 7 continents. 130 countries.

One reply on “Even The Non-Customer is Always Right”

gary – thanks for the nice post. let me know if i can help you with anything…love the “rays” in your header photo btw… 🙂

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