I’ve been to the gym almost every day now for close to three weeks. I’m not sure I can see a difference, but I can feel a difference. During the first week, my whole body was sore. I knew that was going to happen, so I just plowed through the discomfort and kept going.
There are lots of little aches and pains that I no longer have. Its hard to explain, but they’re just gone. Poof. The amount of weight I can work with is significantly more than when I started. I suppose that is to be expected as the largest marginal benefits will come from the first work you do. There is a chest press machine I was working with and I began lifting about 70 pounds, and today I was able to do sets of 10 at 105 pounds. That’s a 50% increase in 3 weeks.
I have lost some weight, but I’m not too worried about it, because unlike a diet, I’m also going to be building muscle mass. I know that if I continue this regiment, eventually there will be come visual change. There just has to. The calories I’m expending daily now as opposed to three weeks ago is significantly more.