My Twitter experiment has been a huge success. My 2009 goal was 7500 followers. Two weeks into the year and I’m at 4,200 already. As you can see in the graph, since I’ve turn auto-follow on, my following rate has gone crazy. Once I got into the Twitterholic top 1000, it took on a life of its own. I can pretty much go on autopilot at this point and make my 2009 Twitter goal.
Everyone that follows me gets a link to my RSS feed, which I think has helped boost my subscribers. Moreover, a large Twitter following makes it much easier to meet people when I go to a new city.
Twitter has been working very well for me, but I’m not sure how well it would translate to another blog. I get a lot of people who discover what I’m doing and think its neat. I’m probably going to lay off the Twitter now for at least a few weeks. I’m going to be moving around a lot in the next few weeks, so I need to focus on content and not marketing.