I’ve decided to remove the Entrecard widget off all of my websites. It no longer serves any purpose.
Here is a graph of my traffic from Entrecard over the last year.
The big spikes are when I bothered to drop cards. At its peak, I got 94 visits in one day. Lately I’ve been averaging about 4 or 5.
It takes up a lot of screen real estate for a dribble of traffic, the quality of which isn’t very good. Their forum sucks. I’ve tried to submit a blog post on their blog, but the owner, Graham, never replied to my email. I can say that I tried, but honestly, it serves no use whatsoever at this point.
I have one blog network widget on my site at this point, BlogCatalog, and that is probably going to go soon too.
These widgets just don’t work.
3 replies on “Buh Bye Entrecard”
Agreed. Mine went the way of the dodo as well. Quality sucks, and dribble of traffic is just not worth the screen space.
And both sites look much better without it …. terrible looking widget it was. … had tacky written all over it. Give that project woeful the heave-ho to Gary, looks out of place and cheapens the look of your site …. just my 2 cents (about the same your getting from PW too i expect) ;>)
I gave EC the boot a long time ago. It was a waste of space and time. No quality traffic resulted. For the most part, EC is a blight on the blogosphere.