
January 2022 Podcast Report

January was a very good month. Arguably the best month the podcast has ever had.


  • I moved my podcast host from Libsyn to Megaphone.FM. I did this as close to midnight on New Year’s Eve just to make the data as clean as possible. (More on this below).
  • The reason why I moved podcast hosts had to do with joining a podcast network. I signed with AirwaveMedia. My business plan basically involved signing as soon as possible with a network that checked certain boxes. This was so I can begin bring in in revenue ASAP so I can begin revinesting that revenue in marketing to grow faster.
  • I had a massive spike in downloads which began around the middle of the month. The spike can almost 100% be attributed to Castbox.


A very good month. Because of the change in hosts, I had to combine the numbers from both hosts for the monthly total.

Megaphone = 259,595

Libsyn = 6,788

Total = 266,383 downloads

What is odd is that even though I turned on the redirect in Libsyn on January 1, I’m still getting a trickle of downloads on my Libsyn account.

The downloads are spread across different user agents. The only way I can think of how people are still downloading shows on Libsyn is that they haven’t refreshed their RSS feed in their player. Even today, February 1, I still got 32 downloads on Libsyn.

This isn’t that big of a deal in the big scheme of things, but it is odd and it says something about podcast consumption.

What it says about podcast consumption I’m not sure.


The biggest change in downloads came from people using the Castbox app.

At the beginning of January, I had about 220 subscribers on Castbox. At the end of January, I had 21,000.

I have checked every day, but I haven’t been featured as far as I can tell. Almost all of the downloads are coming from outside of the United States.

Why would everyone be listening on this single podcast player? How did I get a spike in downloads on a single player without being featured on that player?

I don’t know the answers to these questions yet, but I’d like to get to the bottom of it.

Here are my daily downloads from Castbox over the last month:

One nice thing is that I can now purchase advertising on Castbox, which requires 1,000 subscribers on the app to be eligible.

Dynamic Ad Insertion

With my move to Megaphone and signing with a network, I am now running dynamically inserted ads into my back catalog.

I only have everything set up through last October. I have over 500 episodes so getting it set up for every old episode is very time-consuming. Especially considering I have to go and remove most of the ads I previously ran which were just affiliate ads.

I don’t have any data regarding how well it is monetizing yet.

I’m either going to have to find time to convert all my old shows, or I’ll need to hire someone.


I ran ads on Overcast and PodcastAddict this month. There are still a few more days to go on the Overcast app, but the acquisition cost per subscriber so far has been $2.11.

I basically watch Overcast ad prices every day and just wait until prices drop far enough to make it worthwhile.

The PodcastAddict ad converted at $3.30 per subscriber. The ad ran under the Education category, which usually doesn’t perform as well as history for me.

Next Month

Assuming the traffic increase I had in January continues (and so far it has just kept increasing) I should hit 300,000 downloads in February.

Where I’ll invest next to market the show is up in the air. It might be Castbox or Player.FM, neither of which I’ve advertised on, or I might invest in a feed drop on a large podcast again.


April 2021: Podcast Traffic and Income Report

There was a lot of news in podcasting in the last month with announcements from Apple, Spotify, and Facebook.

I’m not going to get into the big picture of the ramifications of the announcements, but rather how it will affect me and my plans for the podcast.


Part of my business plan was to one day eventually offer some content as part of a subscription. The original idea (before these announcements) was that I would offer it via Patreon.

Either I would make 2 episodes per week available to subscribers, or I would provide 2 extra episodes a week to subscribers. I wasn’t planning on doing that until I had enough revenue coming in to hire writers.

I don’t think that the announcements from Apple and Spotify will really change anything other than making it more accessible. It will probably mean having to do more work, but it also might mean more subscribers.

I’m hoping that my host, Libsyn, will provide backend tools to make it easy to managed everything from one backend.

I’m estimating that I probably won’t pull the trigger on sponsored shows for at least six months, if not later.

Also, until more information comes out, it will be difficult to really know what to do.


This hasn’t gotten as much attention, but I think this will be a bigger deal for me, at least in the short run. It opens up a huge marketing channel for podcast promotion that didn’t exist before.

One issue with podcasts is that they can’t really go viral. There is no share button on podcasts. However, if embed players are integrated into major social media platforms, that will change the game for podcasts.

I especially think it will be good for shorter-length shows such as mine. Listening to an hour-long show on a Facebook page might be a stretch, but 7 minutes is very doable.


April was a really good month.

I had 99,533 downloads for the month, just a hair below 100k.

This was a 35% increase in downloads over March 2021, and slightly more on a daily basis when you factor in April having one less day.

It is hard to attribute where the new downloads came from. I had one video on TikTok go viral which might have had something to do with it.

I’ve also continued running ads on several podcast apps which I think is probably responsible for most of the success.


I don’t have much to report this month because almost everything was either front-ended in March, or back-ended in May.

I will say that I’ve gotten a small bump in sales from my Travel Photography Course, which I made several years ago. I’ve been running ads for it on days when I didn’t have any inventory sold.

My big goal for May is to sell out my inventory every day of the week. Because I’m still not at a level where I can join a large podcast network, I’ll have to cobble this together by hand. However, all that revenue can be plowed in to growing the show even faster.


March 2021: Podcast Traffic and Income Report

I’ve been using Clubhouse quite a bit over the last month. Any predictions about Clubhouse rendering podcasts obsolete are absurd. Yes, they are both audio-based, but that is the end of the comparison.

It would be like saying Twitter would replace novels because they are both text based.

The level of discussion on podcasting on Clubhouse is very very basic. In fact, most “experts” on podcasting never really seem to get beyond preaching to people who want to start a podcast.

To be sure that is a large market, and it is probably one of the reasons why so many shows are abandoned before they even get to the 4th episode.

Almost all the podcasting advice you find online is orientated towards the segment of newbie podcasters.

There is little to nothing out there, beyond warmed-over platitudes, for established podcasters who want to grow their audience.

Most of the podcasting gurus haven’t really grown a very large, successful podcast themselves. If they had, they would be too busy with their podcast and would have time for training new podcasters.

I bring this up because the path to success in podcasting or anything else is pretty simple.

  1. Try something
  2. Gather data
  3. Evaluate data and determine what works
  4. Repeat what works and try to improve performance. Eliminate whatever does work, or change how you implemented it to get it to work.

That’s it.

I’ve grown a successful blog and six-figure followings on several different social platforms by using this method.

Everyone wants answers handed to them, and it isn’t that simple.

I have traffic goals each month, and each month I’m not really sure how I’m going to achieve them. That’s the point, however. You have to get your hands dirty to figure stuff out, and if you aren’t doing that, you probably won’t find success.

It is only by setting goals just out of your reach that you will figure out how to reach them.


March was a solid month. There was no great spike in traffic, but traffic steadily grew.

Total downloads in March 2021 was 73,742 which was a 21.4% increase over February 2021 which had 60,733 downloads.

There are three more days in March than February, so they aren’t really good months to compare on a monthly basis.

February had 2,169 downloads per day and March had 2,379 downloads per day. On this basis, the growth was 10%.

So far my April growth is on pace for around 85,000 downloads, which is about 15% growth over March.



I calculate everything on a cash basis, which means I register it when the payment comes in. That means there is some ad that ran in March that I won’t get paid for until April, and there were some payments I received in March for ads that will run in April and May.

Advertising: $3,198. I had one package of total episode sponsorships and some

Patreon: $138. This is my net after Patreon takes its cut and after the cost of shipping merchandise.


Podcast Hosting: $22. Monthly Libsyn hosting fee.

Headliner Monthly Fee: $19.99

Advertising: $429



February 2021: Podcast Traffic and Income Report

This is the first of my monthly traffic/income reports for my podcast. This one is going to be quite long as I’m going to give the backstory behind everything and how the show was created.


I launched my show on July 1, 2020 in the middle of the pandemic. Since then, it is occupied almost all of my time and it has constituted a dramatic shift in my focus and business.

Prior to this, I guess I was what you could call a travel blogger or a travel influence. I made money by working with brands and tourism boards, through advertising on my website, and via affiliate sales.

Almost all of that vanished in March 2020 when the pandemic lockdowns started. I never thought that the travel and tourism industry, one of the largest industries in the world, could just vanish overnight, but it did.

All spending on marketing and advertising by brands in the industry disappeared. Most companies had to focus on staying alive and they didn’t have to money to invest in growth and business acquisition.

Almost all business and recreational travel disappeared. No one was booking trips, no one was doing trip planning, and basically no one was paying attention travel when they were cooped up in their house.

Pretty much every stream of revenue I had either totally disappeared or dwindled to next to nothing.

At first, I thought everything would be over quickly. Things would be back to normal in April or May. As it became clear that wasn’t going to happen, the enormity of what was happened dawned on me.

This wasn’t a temporary blip. This was something which was going to take at least a year, if not two or three, to play out. Especially for international travel.

Countries will open up at different rates. Individuals will become comfortable traveling at different rates. Many people who lost their jobs or businesses won’t be in a position to travel, even if travel bans are lifted. Companies which relied on travelers will be bankrupt by the time everything sorts out. Tourism boards who rely on tax revenue from hotels might take years to get back to where they were before.

In other words, this wasn’t something I could just wait until things went back to normal. At least in this industry, things will never go back to where they were before.

Moreover, even before this happened, I wasn’t comfortable with the state of where the travel blogging business was going. I follow a lot of travel blogs via RSS just to keep up to date with what everyone is doing.

I noticed a disturbing trend: almost everything now is about SEO. Your actual experiences traveling, your thoughts and opinions, the quality of your content don’t really matter that much. SEO now rules everything.

So many of the ‘top’ travel blogs are now churning out pretty much the same SEO-optimized posts. No one even seems to be trying to get posts to go viral on social media anymore. It has become a one-dimensional game.

SEO is fundamentally a game that rewards those who are good at SEO. You don’t have to even travel to have a successful travel website. There are several very successful travel websites that are nothing but articles cranked out by teams of writers, using stock images, and buying links.

Despite what Google says, this works.

SEO is also a zero-sum game. If I rank #1, you can’t rank #1.

It is a bucket of crabs with everyone competing against each other, and against large media companies.

Yes, there are sites out there that are successful with this approach. However, it isn’t something that I particularly enjoy. I started traveling to travel, and SEO doesn’t play to my strengths.

Also, I think that Facebook will do what it can to kill the influencer economy because they want at least a cut of all the money that is going to influencers.

So….in June 2020, with the lockdown in full effect, I found myself needing to do something…..different.

But what?

A Podcast

For two years I’ve had the idea of a podcast floating around in the back of my mind.

I’ve done several podcats before, all travel-related.

This podcast wasn’t going to be travel per se. I was also, finally, going to use the name of my website/brand, “Everything Everywhere” for the podcast.

The show was basically going to be a longer-form version of my current show. An educational show on various subjects.

I commissioned some cover art, purchased some theme music, and began doing research.

I found myself going down huge rabbit holes doing research. My first show was going to be on the Mona Lisa. I had had notes for a 2-hour show, which to be honest, was way too long, and would be way too difficult to monetize.

I put the idea aside and moved on to other projects.

In June 2020, I revisited the idea.

The more I looked at it, I realized that the math worked out much better if I published more frequently. In fact, when I sat down and actually created a spreadsheet, I was sort of astonished at how well a daily show worked.

I flipped my original idea for the podcast on its head. Instead of super long-format shows, I could do the exact opposite. More frequent shorter shows.

I sat down and came up with a list of about 100 show ideas. It was really easy. In fact, I have that same list which I am constantly updating, and I now have close to 250 show show ideas, and I’m adding ideas every day.

I could take the artwork and music that I had made 2 years earlier and just plug it into this show. I didn’t need to do anything special.

All of my podcaster friends I bounced the idea off said the same thing: “its a good idea, but it will be a lot of work”.

Well….I got lots of free time right now.

I developed a very set format with audio transitions, and on July 1, I published episode #1.

Why A Podcast?

So, of all the things I could have done, why did I do this?

Why not just double down on travel?

Many people I know have done exactly that. They are either putting more effort into their main websites, or they have launched destination sites for their town.

This is not a bad idea, but it wasn’t something I really wanted to invest my time doing. I totally understand why most people have done this, and I don’t think it is a bad idea for many of the people who have been doing this a long time.

I also didn’t want to do straight travel. Most people only care about travel when they are about to go on a trip. There is very little new that happens with travel unless you are an aviation or points geek. The average travel website will get much less traffic than a food or fashion website for this reason.

Basically, I’m bearish on travel until 2023 at the earliest. Even if people start traveling this year, there are going to be issues with the industry for years.

Why not start a YouTube channel?

There are some very successful YouTube channels to be sure. You can certainly get more eyes and ears on your content more quickly via YouTube can you can with a podcast.

However, at the end of the day, you don’t own YouTube. I’ve been burned before by big internet companies and their algorithms.

Every single YouTube channel runs the risk of being shut down at a moment’s notice and not even being given so much as an explanation why. I wanted something that I owned and controlled. In theory, I could host the show out of my house on my own servers if I really wanted to.

Also, CPM rates on YouTube are much less than with podcasting, and video product just takes way more work than it does audio. From the start of recording to uploading the finished file usually takes me no more than 20 minutes.

Why do a podcast on this subject(s)?

I was the kid who read the encyclopedia. I’d go to the library, wander around, and pull random books from the shelves.

Between my years and years of academic debate, college bowl, and a decade and a half of traveling around the world visiting obscure places, this show is something that I think I’m uniquely suited to do.

It isn’t a travel show per se, but it does still have one foot in the travel world. I can still talk about all the stuff I’ve seen, the stories I’ve heard, and the places I’ve been. I’m just doing it in an educational framework, not a travel one. I’m not talking about cafes, airports, and hotels because I don’t care about any of those things.

This show will cast a much wider net than a straight travel show will. You can enjoy the show even if you don’t travel.


How do I produce the show?

The most time-consuming part of each show is writing and research. It takes me about 3-8 hours to write and research each show. Oddly enough, the longer shows are often the easiest to write, because I’m usually writing about something I already know quite well.

I write each script in Google Docs. This allows me to switch computers and keep working on the same document.

I will usually have anywhere from 6-20 different websites that I use to research each episode. It totally depends on what the episode is about.

I write everything including the intro, advertisement, and sometimes an outro.

The script is published as a blog post when a new episode is published.

I record using Garageband. I have a Rode Podcaster USB microphone, and I record with a -40db noise filter on Garageband. There is nothing else fancy about my recording setup.

I record each segment separately: intro, Instagram intro, advertisement, outro, and the body. I then drag and drop the segments together along with the intro music and sound effect to create a final audio file.

I run the file through Levelator, convert it to mp3, and upload it to Libsyn.


I had a good-sized following on several social media platforms as well as an email list. However, these people weren’t following me because I was podcasting on educational topics. They were mostly following me for pretty travel photos.

So, I wasn’t starting from square one, but I was probably starting from square two.

I had an initial burst when I launched the show back in July. I sent out emails to my list and promoted it heavily on social media. I probably got several hundred subscribers this way. The algorithms really prevent you from reaching the people who follow you. Even after 8 months, I still have followers who didn’t know I have a podcast.

The biggest single variable which determines the size of a podcast audience is time. Most really successful shows have been around a while. As there are no algorithms in podcasting, you need word of mouth, and that takes time.

Another variable is the number of episodes. As I have a daily show, I figure I have that base covered.

Having grown large followings on several social platforms, one thing I’ve learned is that the best way to grow a platform, is on that platform. You get Instagram followers on Instagram. You get YouTube subscribers from YouTube.

Likewise, if you want podcast subscribers, you have to go where the podcast listeners are.

In November, I began running ads on several podcast apps. These are just the apps people on their phones use to listen to podcasts. Some of them let podcasters buy display advertisements on their apps to promote their shows.

So far I’ve run ads on Overcast, Castro, PodcastAddict, and Podcast Republic. The results have been mixed. However, in every case, the cost of acquisition per subscriber was well below the value of a suscriber.

Advertising performance is the only data I’m not going to share on these monthly updates. The reason is simple: this data is almost impossible to find online because no one shares it, and it cost me quite a bit of money to collect this data. Right now, it is a strategic asset that I have.

My other marketing is currently just posting episodes everywhere I can. I create custom videos for every episode for Instagram Stories and TikTok. I have no clue how well they convert because that is almost impossible to track.

I’m also publishing the scripts with an embedded player to Substack. I just started that, so it might take a while to figure out how well it works.

I’m also doing trailer swaps with other podcasters, but it is really hard to find other shows who want to do this. Most podcasters are horrible at marketing themselves.

I’m putting most app advertising on hold for March and April and I’m going to focus on appearing on other podcasts as a guest, and possibly buying ads on other shows.


This is pretty straightforward. Podcasts can run ads.

The average CPM for an ad right now is about $25. This is the number I’m using for my planning. I could also probably tack on a lower CPM ad as a post-roll, or maybe a 2nd ad.

One problem with podcast advertising that advertisers really only want to advertise on the top 1% of shows. The number which is usually thrown about is that you need 5,000 downloads per episode to even get ad networks interested in talking to you.

Until you can get to that point, it is really hard to monetize via advertising.

When I get to that point, I’ll see a big jump in my ad revenue.

I’m calling 5,000 downloads per episode “escape velocity” because that is really what you need to achieve to get anywhere with a show.

Everything right now is about trying to hit escape velocity. I’m hoping I can do this in late summer 2021.

One reason I’m running ads now is to gather data such that once I can begin bringing regular adverting revenue, I’ll know where I can most efficiently reinvest that money to grow the podcast even faster.

Once the show is bigger, I’ll have more leverage for doing promotions with other larger podcasts.

Until I can get to that point, I just have to grind it out and grow the show one listener at a time.

Beyond advertising, my plan is to eventually run listener tours when that is possible again. These tours will be more vertical than horizontal. They will be deep dives where we just explore the hell out of one city, and see all the things which most people never bother to see.

Because I’m also writing scripts for every episode, I have hundreds of thousands of words which I publish as a book(s) at a later date. I haven’t done anything with this yet just because all my time is taken up researching, writing, and recording a show every day.

Likewise, all of my audio can be re-edited and turned into YouTube videos.

Basically, I have a ton of content that can be repurposed at a later date.


As you can see from the graph, I’ve grown every month except September, and that was because I missed a week worth of shows due to moving. Downloads per episode grew during September, but I just didn’t pump out enough episodes.

February had 60,733 downloads. This was a 14.2% monthly growth over January. Note that February only has 28 days and January has 31, so I had 10% fewer days to count.

For March, I’m estimating 75,000 downloads, but that could be much higher depending on what happens. If I extrapolate the first two days in March, it would be 87,000.

I figure 150,000 per month is where I can start to get ad networks interested. 150,000 downloads doesn’t necessarily mean 5,000 per episode because it also represents downloads from the back catalog.


Not a whole lot to show yet. However, I already have revenue in the pipeline for March, and I had a few thousand dollars in 2020 already.

Revenue: $158.16
This is 100% from Patreon this month. This is down $20 from the previous month, but it has to do with merchandise being paid for and shipped. I grossed $214 from Patreon for the month.


Podcast Hosting: $22
I’m hosting with Libsyn. My current plan can cover a month worth of downloads, so I don’t foresee this number climbing as the show grows.

Headliner Monthly Fee: $19.99
I use this tool to make custom videos for Instagram and Tiktok.

Advertising: $595
This number might be lower or higher in March. I don’t know. I’m not going to renew on two of the platforms I advertised on in February. They didn’t perform as well as I had hoped. Advertising is hit or miss and right now I’m mostly gathering data. As there is so little information available on this topic, I don’t have much choice but to experiment to see what works best.


  • Things are growing. The trend is positive.
  • I’m nowhere close to where I want/need to be yet. I have to double or triple my monthly downloads to get to that point.
  • The primary goal right now is hitting escape velocity.
  • I’m constantly looking for promotional opportunities. If you have a suggestion, contact me.

Next Month

Next month I’ll break down how I evaluate the value of a subscriber and how I use that value to determine the success of running ads to grow the audience.


What I Learned On The Way to 100,000 Instagram Followers

My instagram follower count

I recently passed the 100,000 follower milestone on Instagram. I was late to the game on Instagram, but I’ve made up for it the past 18 months by making it my top priority in social media.

Much of my success was due to constant testing with my own posts and observing what worked with other successful accounts. Most of the information I found regarding success on Instagram on blog posts is either totally wrong or outdated.

I’m writing this post as a guide for others who want to know what works best on Instagram. As you are aware, this is social media, not physics. You can find exceptions to most of the things I discuss, but for the most part I think they are true.

Also, for the record, I was never put on any suggested user list for Instagram. Everything was organic. There are some things I did that you might not be able to easily replicate, so I’m not claiming that my tips are universal or are able to turn everyone into an Instagram superstar.

Instagram Overview

The process of gaining followers on Instagram, or any other social platform for that matter, consists of 2 parts:

  1. Discovery
  2. Conversion

Discovery is simply the act of finding out that you exist. There are hundreds of millions of Instagram accounts floating around all vying for attention. Getting someone to even notice you can be difficult.

Conversion is getting someone to follow you after they have discovered who you are.

You need to excel in both things if you want to gain someone as a follower. Either one without the other is rather useless.


Instagram is a photo sharing platform. Period.

I’ve had many people ask me, “quality images aside, what is the secret to success on Instagram?”.

The answer is, you can’t just put quality images aside. It can’t be done. It is the heart of the platform and images are why people will discover you and why they will decide to follow you.

I can easily see the difference in engagement between an A photo and a B photo. It really does make a huge difference and far too many people dismiss the importance of image quality.

As such, you need to do whatever you can to improve the quality of the images you post to Instagram. This includes:

  • Use an SLR or a mirrorless camera, not your smartphone. While Instagram was intended to be place to share mobile images, the truth is that photos taken with a smartphone are just not as good as those taken the proper cameras. Less than 5% of the photos I post to instagram are taken with my iPhone, and that is true for many other top Instagrammers as well. If you think that this violates the spirit of Instagram, or if you want to keep it real, you are free to do that, but you will be hurting yourself.
  • Edit your photos. As with any great photo, you need to do some basic editing before you show it to the world. That means editing in Lightroom if you are using a larger camera, or even editing on your phone if you are taking a smartphone photo. The editing tools in Instagram itself have gotten quite good. I do not use filters. Instead I edit every images by hand to get exactly the look I want.
  • Choose your subjects carefully. Despite the common wisdom floating around the internet, I’ve found that selfies and food photos just don’t work very well. Celebrities might be able to get away with it, but other than that, most people just don’t care. As a travel photographer, I’ve (sadly) found that images of people and animals don’t perform as well as images of landscapes, or historic buildings. As you will see below, knowing what people actually like is critical to growing your audience.
  • Check all the boxes when submitting a photo. This tip comes to me second hand from a company that has worked directly with Instagram. Make sure that you have a caption, tag another account, put in a location, share the photo on at least 1 other social platform, and do at least some basic editing in the Instagram app. If you do all these things, it will increase the odds of it being promoted by Instagram. Also, putting in a location and geotagging is very important as it is a means of discovery.

If for whatever reason you can’t take good photos, then you need to look for great photos elsewhere online. There are many large Instagram accounts which just regram photos from other people.

It should also be noted that videos perform horribly. Either don’t post videos at all or do so sparingly as their engagement rates are horrendous.


So, how exactly do people discover you? This is the major issue for most Instagrammers. Even if you have a conversion worthy portfolio, if no one sees it, it doesn’t really matter.

One thing I figured out quickly is that the vast majority of people who discover you on any social platform, do so inside the platform itself. That means they aren’t following you because of some widget you have on your website. When I redesigned my travel blog last summer, I removed all the social media widgets. I now just have a small icon available if someone wants to follow me, but nothing more. When I removed the widgets, there was no adverse change in my follower growth rate.

The exception to this is if you are placed on a “best of” list of Instagram account from a popular website. I’ve seen spikes of several hundred followers, and in one case about 1,500 followers, from mentions on such lists. However, you don’t really have any control over your inclusion on those lists, and the bumps are always temporary. To get on these lists you probably already need to be a great photographer or have a very popular account.

The biggest way you can get discovered is within the Instagram app itself. There are 4 ways I’ve identified how this can be done:

  1. Engage directly with other users. This is a fancy way of saying you should like and comment on other people’s photos. This is especially important if you have a small following. Just roll up your sleeves and start searching for great photos. Search hashtags (more on hashtags later) or other terms. Find people who do not have large followings themselves and like or comment on their best photos. Because they don’t get many likes, a like from someone they don’t know will usually pique their curiosity and make them check out your gallery. One technique I used was simply commenting on photos that were taken in places I’ve been. Making some sort of intelligent comment about an image based on first hand experience goes a long way. Sometimes, however, it would something as simple as “nice shot!”.

    Larger accounts won’t notice what you are doing, so don’t bother. This is very time consuming process and doesn’t really scale that well, but it can get the ball rolling when you are starting out. I stopped doing this once I was around 50,000 followers as I couldn’t keep up anymore, and it became a smaller and smaller percentage of my growth.

    I do NOT suggest autofollowing people, or following people back because they follow you. These accounts are garbage and they will not engage with you. As you’ll see below, engagement is everything. Inflating your follow count at the cost of engagement can actually make things worse as it will make your account look suspect.

  2. Get mentioned by larger accounts. There are some Instagram accounts in the 6, 7 or even 8 figures. Many of them use photos from other users. If you can get their attention, it can be a HUGE boost to your ability to get discovered. Just to give you an idea, here is a photo of mine which was used by Beautiful Destinations, an account with over 4,000,000 followers. The photo got over 140,000 likes and 1,600 comments.

    Port-au-Prince, Haiti By: @everythingeverywhere ? Share your global travels with #beautifuldestinations

    A photo posted by BEAUTIFUL DESTINATIONS (@beautifuldestinations) on

    To get the attention of these larger accounts you can use their hashtag. I found that once one of them used my photos, others discovered me and started using my photos. I now get at least one mention on a six-figure Instagram account per week. Needless to say, you need top quality images to be able to pull this off. The image you see above from Haiti appeared on over a dozen different accounts after it was featured on Beautiful Destinations.

  3. Engagement. This is the #1 way I now get followers, and it is why so many big Instagram accounts get bigger. It is so simple and obvious, but I’ve never read an article about Instagram that mentions it. In the Instagram app there is a tab for activity. There you can see what all your friends are doing. Every time someone likes one of your photos or follows someone, all of their friends can see it. This is simple network effects. When someone engages with you (likes or follows) you have the potential to reach their friends. The more engagement you have, the more people will see that engagement. This means that Instagram growth is a lot like compound interest. The bigger you get, the bigger you get.

    It also means that the most important metric is really engagement, not followers. If you have strong engagement, you’ll get followers, but followers do not necessarily lead to engagement.

    I should also mention the power of people tagging friends in comments. Because I post photos of destinations, I get a lot of comments where people flag their friends about taking a trip there, or reminiscing about past trips they’ve taken. This is another great means of discovery if you can pull it off.

  4. Search. With changes Instagram made in the summer of 2015, searching by location made it easier for people to discover you. You should be geotagging EVERY photo you post. Every photo is an opportunity for people to discover you via location search. If you haven’t been doing this, go back and do this to your old photos.

I’m currently averaging 340 new followers per day (taken from the last 30 days). That number has been growing as my audience has grown, showing the compounding effects I mentioned above.

I should also address the issue of hashtags. Hashtags are mentioned in almost every single article on how to get Instagram followers. I’ve never seen any evidence that hashtags do anything. I’ve done extensive testing and I haven’t see any significant impact to using hashtags. Moreover, I’ve never seen any hard data from 3rd party sources that indicate they work. It is just conventional wisdom that keeps getting passed around without any basis in fact. The only time you want to use hashtags is if you are part of an event, or you want to get the attention of a particular large Instagram account (see above).


Just because you’ve gotten someone’s attention doesn’t mean you’ve accomplished anything. The next step is to get them to actively want to see more from you in the future. This is conversion.

There are many people who get attention but then have such an unappealing account, that they fail to convert.

There are several things I’ve done to maximize my conversion odds:

  1. Have a clear profile photo. Let people know who you are. Don’t have photo where your face is blocked or otherwise hard to see. A clear photo says you have nothing to hide and makes a personal connection with the user.
  2. Have a compelling bio. You only have 500 characters to play with in your bio, and it is the only place you can have a link in Instagram, so space is a premium. My bio tells two simple facts: I’m extremely well traveled, and I’m an award winning photographer. Those two things combine to create a promise to the user that I’ll deliver high quality and interesting images. I’ll be worth their time to follow.
  3. Have a killer photo gallery. This is by far the most important thing in terms of conversion. People may discover you because of a single photo, but they will follow you based on your body of work. This means you have to constantly have high quality images. If you post something which dramatically underperforms in terms of engagement, you are better off deleting it than leaving it in your gallery. When I suggest that people delete photos, they are often shocked at the suggestion, but it’s true. Curate what people see when they arrive to your account so you are showing your best work.


For most of my time on Instagram, I’ve been posting exactly one photo per day.

As I figured out the relationship between engagement and followers, it dawned on me that I could get more gross engagement by just posting more. I’ve been experimenting with posting 2x per day and even 3x per day a few times. I post almost everyday, unless I’m in a place without internet access.

The strategy is pretty simple: more photos = more engagement = more growth.

As for when to post, that is something you will have to experiment with based on your audience. I’ve personally found that around 9am ET and 3pm ET work well for me. I’ve experimented with later posting times, and I found they didn’t do quite as well. Even if other times don’t perform quite as well, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t necessarily post at those time, as you will still get engagement, just not quite so much.

I personally only use the Instagram app to post. I don’t use Latergram or any other apps. I could revisit this in the near future.


I’ve been keeping pretty careful stats on my follower growth. There is little in the way of analytics which Instagram provides, so I’ve been rolling my own.

I pay for the Iconsquare Pro account and use it to get a daily follower count update. I put that number into Excel where I can do things like do projections and figure out moving averages.


  1. Image quality matters…..a lot.
  2. People will usually discover you through the Instagram app based on engagement and location search.
  3. You need a compelling gallery and bio to convert people who discover your account.